How Many Personal Training Sessions Should I Do A Week?

How Many Personal Training Sessions Should I Do A Week?

Whether your personal fitness goals are focused on building muscle mass and core strength training, weight loss or simply to maintain physical fitness through a healthy lifestyle, personal training sessions can be just the magic pill you're looking for. With a trainer from Training Day Gym, you can crush your personal goals in no time.

How Often Should You Exercise?

The fitness industry is full of self-proclaimed fitness experts and gurus who'll tell you to work out every single day. But truthfully, the average adult is recommended to engage in 75 minutes of vigorous-moderate aerobic exercise spread across three to five days per week.

Our personal training sessions and classes at Training Day cater to half-hour sessions, 60 minute sessions and 75-minute and 90-minute classes. The session length varies depending on the goals of the workout, the individual's fitness level, and their schedule and availability.

How Many Sessions Do You Require?

The important thing is to find a session length that allows you to achieve your fitness goals and fits into your lifestyle, providing a balance. It's also important to remember that the intensity of the workout can affect the appropriate length of a personal training session, with higher-intensity workouts often requiring shorter session lengths to avoid overexertion or injury.

It's also important to factor in that the amount of exercise an individual needs can vary depending on characteristics such as age, fitness level, health status, and personal goals.

Do I Need A Personal Trainer?

A good personal trainer will have the expertise to tailor your fitness program or workout routine to your specific goals, taking into account factors such as the frequency and intensity of training sessions per week, your current fitness level, and your experience and confidence in exercising.

Smashing Those Fitness Goals Together

If you have personal goals, such as losing weight, building muscle, and improving your endurance or flexibility, a personal trainer can help you create a tailored workout plan that addresses your unique needs.

Holding You Accountable

If you struggle to stay motivated or hold yourself accountable, a personal trainer can provide the support and encouragement you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

Making It Worth Your Time

If you have a busy schedule, Training Day personal trainers can help you maximise your workout program and time more efficiently, ensuring that you get the most out of each session per week.

What Will I Gain From Using Personal Training Sessions?

Many personal training sessions offer a magnitude of benefits for your fitness goals and lifestyle. Personal training sessions can provide numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness and health, including reducing body fat percentage and losing weight. With a personal trainer, you can receive personalised workout plans that incorporate lifting weights to build lean muscle and improve your overall body composition.

Additionally, working with a personal trainer can provide the accountability and motivation needed to stay on track with your weight loss goals and maintain good form during exercises. Proper technique and injury prevention are also emphasized by personal trainers, helping you avoid injuries while lifting weights and maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts.

With the introduction of new exercises and workout routines, personal training sessions can help you stay interested and engaged in your fitness journey while achieving your desired body composition and weight loss goals. Ultimately, personal training sessions can lead to better results, a sense of community, and an investment in your health and well-being.

Join Training Day Gym

By joining our Training Day gyms in Clayton, Burwood and our new soon to open gym in Scoresby, you have access to a personal trainer, specialised training programs and workout routines that will work for your lifestyle and fitness needs. Join us today.