How to Determine Your Ideal Weekly Weight Loss Goal for Sustainable Results

Setting realistic and sustainable weight loss goals is crucial for long-term success. Fad diets and rapid weight loss methods are tempting if you want to start the new year or the holidays with a trim, taut and terrific body. However, these methods are rarely sustainable and can even be harmful. At Training Day Gyms, we're committed to helping you achieve lasting weight loss and fitness results through healthy and balanced approaches. 

Primary Factors For Setting Weight Loss Goals:

It's important to remember that everyone is different when it comes to losing weight, so the following guide is general in nature. It may help you determine your realistic weight loss goals for sustainable outcomes and long-term success. Consider consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before you begin your weight loss journey.

Your Activity Level:

Your physical activity level can have a significant impact on your calorie needs and your weight loss potential. Active individuals can generally burn more calories and lose weight faster than those with a sedentary lifestyle.

Your Dietary Habits:

Your dietary habits and calorie intake are crucial factors if you want to lose body fat. Analysing your intake and gradually adjusting towards a balanced and healthy diet is essential for sustainable weight loss.

Your Overall Health:

Any underlying health conditions can affect your metabolism and weight loss goals. Consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is recommended for personalised guidance, especially if you have health concerns.

Calculating Your Ideal Weekly Weight Loss Goal

Based on the factors above, you can estimate your safe, ideal weekly weight loss goal using the following steps:

  • Determine your daily calorie needs using online calculators or consult one of our professionals at Training Day to estimate your daily calorie needs.

  • Set a calorie deficit, aiming for a moderate amount, for example, 500-1000 calories daily. This will translate to a realistic weight loss of half a kilo to a kilo per week. Faster rates can lead to muscle mass loss, nutrient deficiencies, yo-yo dieting, and even weight gain after the fact, so they are not recommended.

  • Adjusting your diet and exercise can create a sustainable calorie deficit. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, healthy fats, portion control, and incorporating regular physical activity.

  •  Focus on developing healthy habits and making sustainable changes for long-term success.

Celebrate non-scale victories: 

Progress is about more than just the number on the scale. Celebrate a healthier lifestyle, balanced blood pressure,  improved energy levels, better sleep, and increased strength as well.

Don’t get defeated

It is normal during your weight loss journey to lose and gain weight. Something as simple as your salt levels can have an impact on water weight and, therefore, the number on the scale. Focus on the gradual decrease over weeks rather than every day. 

Seek support 

Feel free to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalised advice and support.

Meal plans recipes

Find delicious and nutritious recipes to support your weight loss goals.

Workout routines 

Discover effective and enjoyable exercise programs to fit your fitness level and preferences.

Progress tracking tools

Use tools to monitor your progress and stay motivated.

And remember, achieving sustainable weight loss is a process, not a race. By setting realistic goals, focusing on healthy habits, and using available resources, you can achieve weight loss success and maintain it long-term.

Contact Training Day Gyms Today

Passion drives every aspect of our service at Training Day Gyms, founded on this principle, never simply a business decision. Our gyms operate on the principle of constant improvement for our clients and the business. “Training” means challenging our old limits and raising the bar to lose weight and feel healthier while having fun in a friendly atmosphere. 

At Training Day, we know a strong body is only the start. Our vision is to inspire our members, so contact us here to step into the new year and improve your shape, health, and stamina.

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